AdvancedNMOTD Configuration | 10 MOTDs
Fancy AdvancedNMOTD Configuration | 10 Themes | MOTDs and HoverBoxes | 1.8 - 1.21+
AnimatedScoreboard | 4 Colors
Premium Scoreboard Configuration | Color Gradients | Four Colors | Many Placeholders | Fancy
BetterTeams | Teams for your server
BetterTeams Plugin Configuration | Improved Chat Messages | Better Team Features | Fancy
ChatGames | Keep your players engaged
ChatGames Configuration | Over 1000+ Words and 100+ Trivia Questions | Fancy Messages | 1.8-1.21+
Coinflip Configuration | Fancy
CoinflipFree Plugin Configuration | Custom GUIs | Fancy Messages | 1.8 - 1.21+
DeluxeMenus | 4 in 1 Pack | Fancy GUIs
DeluxeMenus Configuration | Stats, RandomTP, Rules, Discord | Fancy GUIs | Supports all versions
DeluxeTags Config - 80 Perfect Tags
80 perfect tags for your Minecraft server, no matter the gamemode!
EconomyShopGUI Configuration | Balanced
EconomyShopGUI Plugin Configuration | Balanced | Fancy Menus | Anti-Dupe
LuckPerms | 12 Ranks & Permissions
LuckPerms Plugin Configuration | Best Permissions | Fancy Prefixes | 2 Different Styles
PlayerKits2 | Plugin Configuration
Kits Premium Plugin Configuration | 6 Kits | Fancy Messages | Amazing GUIs | Well Optimized | 1.8+
Playtime Rewards - 2 Weeks of Surprises
Enhance your servers activity using my awesome DeluxeMenus configuration that adds Playtime Rewards!
Progressive Spawner System - DeluxeMenus
Give your players a new way of grinding by using my Progressive Spawner System!
ShopGUIPlus | Plugin Configuration
Premium ShopGUI+ Plugin configuration | Balanced prices | 7 different Categories | High Quality
SternalBoard Configuration | 4 Colors
Premium Scoreboard Configuration | 4 Different Colors | Placeholders | Fancy | 1.8 - 1.21+
TABLIST Configuration | Four colors
Tablist Plugin Configuration | PlaceholderAPI Support | HEX Codes | 4 Colors | Easy to modify
TradeSystem | Plugin Configuration
Premium Trade Plugin Configuration | Fancy GUI Menus | Anti-Dupe | Custom Sounds | Many Features